Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Skinny on being Skinny

The truth is, I've never been one of those stick skinny girls, but there was definitely a time when I came close. That time is long gone.

Then I went to school. And got married. And started working. And now - I'm about 30lbs more than where I should be. This, my friends, is not acceptable.

How can one be swank, posh, glamorous.. and chubby?! I can tell you, the combination is not desirable. So, I've started my quest for thin, slim, skinny - whatever you want to call it. Just smaller than I am!

I will post pics for progress shortly. Hopefully it will be motivating.

Diet Log:
Silhouette yogurt
3 chocolate eggs
Swiss Chalet chicken w/ sauce
salad with chalet dressing
cadbury thin chocolate bar (can you tell I love my chocolate?)

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