Monday, April 14, 2008

Swank Girl was MIA

Okay, so I start a blog and then I go MIA. Not exactly a good start.

Fortunately, my start to being healthier has gone MUCH better and now that I’m more disciplined in that area, hopefully that will rub off on other areas, such as this blog!

Over the past couple of weeks, I have managed to go to the gym at least twice a week and to a ballet bootcamp class on Saturdays. For lazy ol’ me, three times a week, ain’t that bad. On top of that, I’ve been doing yoga a few times a week in my apartment living room. Not. Ideal. BUT… it’s been worth it, especially the few times that Renaissance Boy has joined in. Oh how I love him. He is so NOT flexible, but he tries sooo hard. I think he has actually started to pick it up a bit. And, in addition to all of that, I’ve been trying to walk in the evenings with Renaissance Boy as well. My fitness level is definitely UP!

Diet-wise is where the challenges begin. I managed to go the entire week last week with NO chocolate chip muffins to start my day. I always used to buy one for breakfast from Tim Horton’s. I know, I know. They have close to 500 calories in them. But I love them. So last week, was a good week for me. But now, this week, my cravings are totally back up and I. Just. Can’t. Help. It. I MUST HAVE A MUFFIN!

So guess what I had for breakfast today? A muffin. I have no self-control.

I need help. I have a problem. But I don’t think there are help groups for people who eat one muffin daily. I don’t think that qualifies as being bizarre enough. I guess we’ll see how tomorrow goes.

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